Central limit theorem

This script demonstrates the central limit theorem via simulation and plots the unbiased estimation of the mean.


Law of large numbers

This script demonstrates how the empirical relative frequency of independent experiments (like rolling a dice) converges towards the theoretical probability over trials.


t-test power simulation

This script shows how many t-tests can be expected to be significant at a constant mean difference in the population with increasing sample sizes.


Regression analysis simulation

This script demonstrates the reliability of beta estimates in a regression. It loops over varying sample sizes and plots the estimated regression lines against the actual relationship in the population.


Amazon script

This script surfs on specified amazon product-sites and saves the current prices, compares them with prior saved prices in a plot (see preview) and quits automatically. In combination with cronjobs this script can be used to automatically check and compare prices over time.


Monty Hall problem

A 'Monty Hall paradox' simulation that empirically shows that reversing a decision is sometimes a good strategy.


Alpha and beta error

A plot illustrating the Type I and Type II error in significance testing.


Student t-distribution

Script that plots three t-distributions (df= 2, df = 5 and df = 20) in comparison to a z-distribution.



Script that plots F-distributions with different degrees of freedom.


Linear multilevel models

A collection of linear random-intercept and random-slope regression models formulated in JAGS (including non-nested hierarchical models). Data is generated in R and passed to JAGS using the runjags package.

Logistic multilevel models

A collection of logistic random-intercept and random-slope regression models formulated in JAGS (including non-nested hierarchical models). Data is generated in R and passed to JAGS using the runjags package.

Multilevel models with censoring

A collection of random-intercept and random-slope regression models with a censored dependent variable formulated in JAGS (including non-nested hierarchical models). Data is generated in R and passed to JAGS using the runjags package.

Random intercept beta regression

Beta random-intercept regression model for modeling rates or proportions formulated in JAGS. Data is generated in R and passed to JAGS using the runjags package.

R Reader template

I used this template for the R-Reader. It has a customised layout for presenting source code and notes on the right margin of the document.


Statistics Reader template

Template that was used for the statistics reader with custom chapter headings from the quotchap package.


DGP template

Latex template following the guidelines from the german psychological association (DGP - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie) which closely follows the guidelines from the APA (american psychological association).


Window fullscreen

This script simulates the fullscreen mode from MS Windows and other OS. I use it to resize app windows with a keyboard shortcut. There are different window sizes defined for some apps like mail or finder.

Hide and activate switch

This script checks if an application that is defined in the script is visible and in the front. If not, the app window is activated. If the app window is in the front it gets hidden. You can use this script to easily hide and activate apps that you frequently use.